Examinations - Rules for Re-Valuation of Answer Books

1. Revaluation of answer books shall be permissible in not more than 25% of the theory papers in which candidate actually appeared at an examination. Where the number of papers in which a candidate appeared at an examination happens to be an odd number, revaluation be permitted upto whole number i.e. if an examination consists of 5 papers, the candidates can apply for revaluation of answer-books upto 2 papers.

2. Not withstanding the aforesaid provisions, revaluation of answer-books, shall not be permitted in respect of (i) M.E. (ii) the scripts of Practical examinations/ Sessional/ Periodical Tests. Dissertation, thesis and viva-voce (iii) all supplementary examinations, special examination, part examination back papers and boycotted papers.

N.B.: (i) 'Part Examination' means an examination at which candidate appears in those subject(s) / paper(s) only which he has yet to clear.
(ii) 'Boycotted Papers' means the papers in which a candidate having boycotted the examination earlier is allowed another chance to appear.

3. A candidate which wishes to apply for revaluation of his answer-book(s) must submit his application on the prescribed form together with the requisite fee to the Asstt. Registrar before expiry of 15 days excluding the date of the declaration of his examination result. Application not received in the prescribed form or by the due date of without the requisite fee shall be rejected. Incomplete application forms will also be rejected.

4. The process of revaluation includes scrutiny of answer-books and therefore, it will not be necessary for a candidate requesting for re-valuation of answer-books to apply for scrutiny of the paper for which he/she has applied for revaluation. However, if a candidate wants his/her answer-books of any other papers also to be scrtinised he/she will have to apply for the same separately in accordance with the provisions these rules. In such cases if the marks of candidate, in any paper(s) are increased as a result of scrutiny; a reference shall be made to the candidate only if his/her result is changed favorably in pre-revaluation scrutiny i.e. from fall to supplementary. Supplementary to pass, pass to II Div. and IInd Div. to Ist Div, or if there i.e and increase of atleast 20% of marks in pre-revaluation scrutiny. In other cases the answer-books will be sent for revaluation without marking a reference to the candidate. In such cases where the marks of the candidate in any paper(s) are increased favourably as a result of pre-revaluation scrutiny and thereafter if he/she does not want his her answer-book(s) to be revalued, he/she will be permitted to withdraw his/her application for revaluation in which case his fee will not be refunded.

5. A candidate shall be required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- per paper (not subject) for re-valuation of answer-books, which will not be refunded, except when the candidate is allowed to withdraw his application as permitted above.

6. (i) If the award of second examiner (revaluator) is more than the award of the first examiner subject to a limit of 20% of the maximum marks prescribed for the paper, the same shall betaken as the marks obtained on evaluation. In case the award of the second (revaluator) exceeds the above limit of 20%, the answer books shall be referred to a third examiner and the average of the two closest award shall be taken into account. If the three awards are uniformly spread, then the middle award shall be taken into account.

(ii) (a) If the award of the second examiner (revaluator) is less than of the first examiner upto the extent of 5% of the maximum marks prescribed for the paper, the award of the first examiner shall stand.

(b) In case the award of the second examiner (revaluator) is less than that of the first examiner & the decrease is more than 5% but not more than 20% of the maximum marks prescribed for the paper, the average of the two awards shall be taken as the marks of revaluation provided the result of the candidate is not effected adversely, i.e. his division in not changed or he does not get supplementary instead of pass or he does not fail instead of supplementary or he does not fail in an individual paper/subject instead of pass. In such cases the marks shall be decreased to the extent that his result is not affected adversely.

(c) If the award of the second examiner (revaluator) is less than that of the first examiner and the decrease in marks exceeds 20% of the maximum marks prescribed for the paper the answer-book shall be referred to a third examiner and the average of the two closest awards (the middle award in case the three awards are uniformly spread) shall be taken as the marks of revaluation subject to the provision mentioned above in sub-clause (ii) (b).

7. In case a candidate doesn't submit his/her original marksheet along with the application for revaluation, his/her application shall stand rejected.

8. The answer-book(s) shall not be subjected to any Inspection or production before any External or Internal Authority except at the instance of the Vice-Chancellor.

9. A candidate who is declared eligible for Supplementary Examination as a result of revaluation shall be permitted to appear at the usual Supplementary Examination or if the same is already over, at the time of next Main Examination. Such a candidate will also be eligible to appear at the next higher examination as a non-collegiate candidate, if such facility exists for the examination concerned.

10. A candidate who becomes eligible to seek admission to the next higher class consequent upon the improvement of his/her result of revaluation in the middle of a session shall be considered eligible for admission to that class within 21 days from the date of communication of the revaluation result but not later than 31st December of the same session. In such cases the attendance shall be counted from the date of admission.

Candidates desirous to apply for re-valuation may treat their result as “No Change” for submission of application forms for appearing at the ensuing examination within due dates. In case their result changes consequent upon re-valuation, the application forms submitted by them will be amended accordingly if a request to that effect is made by the candidates.