Infrastructure - Computing Centers
BMIT campus boasts of one of the best computing networks in any of the college in Rajasthan. It is highly equipped with State-Of-Art facilities, which has earned a reputation of excellence. Its comprehensive infrastructure includes 10 Servers, 700 Workstations, 20 Printers and over 10 Laptops (Dell,HP,IBM & Lenovo).
The whole campus boasts of being under strict surveillance system by CCTV cameras. BMIT offers its own UID number.(Unique ID Number) & Email IDs to all its employees and students. Time to time, computer network of the institute is upgraded, to provide latest to the faculty and students.
BMIT has an ultra high-speed Fiber Optic Connectivity, backbone for networking across the campus. Wireless connectivity is installed at the campus to provide internet access to the faculty as well students.
BMIT is the first technical institute in Rajasthan to implement ERP system. All the faculty members upload their respective course schedule of the subject they take on it. The internal assessment marks and attendance of the students are also uploaded on it.
Computing network of the college is managed and its activities are supported by qualified and experienced technical staff. Staff of the Computer Network Computing Centre (CNCC) maintains and administrate the College website, Mail service, Internet facility and provide Wi-Fi environment through out the campus round the clock.
Notes of every subject is also uploaded on Moodle software by the experienced faculty and improved for quality for the students benefit well in advance before the topic is taken up in class. This is applied for all semesters, all branches and is week wise with respect to the college curriculum.
Advanced Networking Lab:
This consists of routers, switches, firewalls and security software and other networking tools, which meets the requirement curriculum of CISCO. This is how students are trained in network administration configuration, network configuration and wireless security.
Programming Language Library:
This provides the backbone of the future software technocrats where in they learn high level programming language like C,C++ ,VB,VC++, Java and work on platforms like Windows, Oracle and Linux.
Multimedia and Internet Programming Laboratory:
This laboratory is quite popular among college students for learning and generating creativity among the future technocrats. Here multimedia tools like Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Sound Forge and Maya to develop related applications are used for training students in multimedia.
Sun Advanced Java Laboratory:
BMIT has an Advanced Java Programming Centre in collaboration with Sun Microsystems. The basic goal of this laboratory is to train students in advanced Java technologies such as J2EE (including EJB), JSF, J2ME for mobile kit utilities. The lab consists of P4 computers with software from Sun Microsystems.
Software Engineering Laboratory:
The primary goal of this laboratory is to train the students with the software development life cycle which helps them to work with various phases of SDHC, test tools and CASE tools. Students are trained in IBM Rational Rose, Test Run , Silk Run, CASE tools, Rational suite for testing and Smart Draw