Technical Forum - Activities

Various Inter and Intra College technical activities held in session 2013-2014 in which students of BMIT represented the institution are:

S.No. Date Event Name
1. January 17 - 19, 2014 Robotics Events, IIT, BHUVANESHWAR
2. December 27 - 28, 2013 International Conference, RCEW, Jaipur
3. November 29, 2013 International conference, JECRC University, Jaipur
4. November 19, 2013 Ultima Tryst - Intracollege Technical Fest
5. October 2 - 4, 2013 Technical Events, Sri Balaji Technical Campus, Jaipur
6. September 25, 2013 Branchwise Technical Paper Presentation
7. September 17, 2013 Robotics events, Govt. Engg. College, Bikaner
8. August 21, 2013 Tech Events, GIT, Jaipur
9. April 12, 2013 National Conference, GIT, Jaipur
10. March 20 - 22, 2013 Robotics Events, Chameli Devi Group of Institutions, Indore
11. March 15 - 17, 2013 'APOGEE', BITS, Pilani
12. March 07 - 09, 2013 Hardware Presentation Event, MNIT, Jaipur
13. February 27 - 28, 2013 Robotics Competition, VIT, Jaipur
14. January 23, 2013 Intercollege C / C++ Programming Competition
15. Januray 10, 2013 Intercollege Robotics Competition

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